How to Add Matic Network to Metamask: A Step-by-Step Guide

8 min read

How to Add Matic Network to Metamask: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a user of the Metamask wallet and want to take advantage of the Matic Network for faster and cheaper transactions, you’re in luck. Adding Matic Network to your Metamask wallet is a straightforward process that can be done within minutes. Once added, you will be able to seamlessly interact with decentralized applications built on the Matic Network.

Step 1: Install Metamask

If you haven’t already, you will need to install the Metamask browser extension for your preferred browser. Metamask is available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge. Simply search for “Metamask” in your browser’s extension store and follow the installation instructions.

Step 2: Set up a Metamask Account

After installing Metamask, open the extension and set up a new account or import an existing one using your seed phrase. Make sure to write down and safely store your seed phrase as it is the only way to access your funds.

Step 3: Access the Network Settings

In the Metamask interface, click on the network dropdown menu and select “Custom RPC” to access the network settings. This will allow you to add custom networks like the Matic Network.

Step 4: Add Matic Network

In the network settings, you will see a form to add a new network. Fill in the following details:

Network Name: Matic Mainnet


Chain ID: 137

Leave other fields blank, and click “Save” to add the Matic Network to your Metamask wallet.

Step 5: Switch to Matic Network

Now that you have added the Matic Network, you can switch to it by selecting “Matic Mainnet” from the network dropdown menu. Once selected, you will be able to see your Matic wallet address and interact with decentralized applications on the Matic Network.

Congratulations! You have successfully added the Matic Network to your Metamask wallet. Enjoy faster and cheaper transactions on the Matic Network.

Benefits of Adding Matic Network to Metamask

Benefits of Adding Matic Network to Metamask

Adding Matic Network to your Metamask wallet can provide several benefits for your cryptocurrency transactions. Here are some of the main advantages:

  1. Faster Transaction Speeds: By adding Matic Network, you can benefit from its high throughput capabilities, as it utilizes a Layer 2 scaling solution. This enables faster and more efficient transactions compared to the main Ethereum network.
  2. Lower Transaction Costs: Matic Network offers significantly lower transaction fees compared to the Ethereum network. By adding it to your Metamask wallet, you can save on gas fees when transacting with Matic-based tokens.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: With the integration of Matic Network into Metamask, users can enjoy a seamless and user-friendly interface for interacting with Matic-based decentralized applications (dApps) and tokens.
  4. Access to Matic Ecosystem: By adding Matic Network to Metamask, you gain access to the growing ecosystem of Matic-based dApps, including decentralized exchanges (DEXs), gaming platforms, and much more.
  5. Scalability and Interoperability: Matic Network is designed to provide scalability for Ethereum, making it easier to handle a larger number of transactions. Additionally, it enables interoperability with other blockchains, increasing the possibilities for cross-chain interactions.

In conclusion, adding Matic Network to Metamask can significantly enhance your cryptocurrency experience by enabling faster, cheaper, and more user-friendly transactions. It also grants access to the expanding Matic ecosystem and provides scalability and interoperability benefits.

Streamline Your Ethereum Transactions

Streamline Your Ethereum Transactions

When working with the Ethereum network, it is important to ensure that your transactions are efficient and seamless. By streamlining your transactions, you can save time and resources, as well as improve the overall user experience.

Choose the Right Wallet

Choose the Right Wallet

The first step in streamlining your Ethereum transactions is to choose the right wallet. Metamask is a popular choice among Ethereum users and offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your transactions. With features like built-in token support and transaction history, Metamask helps streamline the entire transaction process.

Add Matic Network to Metamask

Add Matic Network to Metamask

To further optimize your Ethereum transactions, you can add the Matic Network to your Metamask wallet. The Matic Network is a Layer 2 scaling solution that aims to improve transaction speed and reduce costs on the Ethereum network. By adding the Matic Network to Metamask, you can leverage its benefits and enjoy faster and cheaper transactions.

Benefits of Adding Matic Network:
1. Faster transactions
2. Lower transaction fees
3. Improved scalability
4. Enhanced user experience

By adding the Matic Network to your Metamask wallet, you can take advantage of these benefits and enjoy a more efficient Ethereum transaction process.

In conclusion, streamlining your Ethereum transactions is crucial for optimizing efficiency and improving the user experience. By choosing the right wallet, such as Metamask, and adding the Matic Network to your wallet, you can enjoy faster, cheaper, and more scalable transactions. Take the necessary steps to streamline your Ethereum transactions today and start enjoying the benefits!

Access to High-Speed and Low-Cost Transactions

Access to High-Speed and Low-Cost Transactions

Matic Network offers users the opportunity to access high-speed and low-cost transactions on the Ethereum network. By integrating Matic Network with your Metamask wallet, you can benefit from faster and cheaper transactions compared to the traditional Ethereum blockchain. This is especially beneficial for users who frequently interact with decentralized applications (dApps) and need quick transaction confirmations.

With Matic Network, you can enjoy faster transaction speeds as it uses a Layer 2 scaling solution. This allows for off-chain computation, while only the final state of the transaction is stored on the Ethereum mainnet. As a result, transactions are processed faster and at a fraction of the cost, making it ideal for microtransactions and scalable dApps.

By adding Matic Network to your Metamask wallet, you can experience the benefits of high-speed and low-cost transactions, enabling you to seamlessly interact with various dApps without breaking the bank. Say goodbye to long confirmation times and high transaction fees, and embrace the efficiency of Matic Network!

Explore a Growing Ecosystem of Matic Network Dapps

Explore a Growing Ecosystem of Matic Network Dapps

Matic Network, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, has quickly gained popularity in the blockchain community for its ability to provide fast and low-cost transactions. As the network continues to grow and gain traction, an increasing number of decentralized applications (Dapps) are being developed on the Matic Network.

One of the key advantages of the Matic Network is its compatibility with popular Ethereum wallets like MetaMask. This enables users to easily access and interact with the growing ecosystem of Matic Network Dapps.

By adding the Matic Network to your MetaMask wallet, you can tap into a range of exciting Dapps that are leveraging the network’s high scalability and low transaction fees. These Dapps cover a wide variety of industries, including finance, gaming, NFTs, and more.

Some popular Matic Network Dapps include:

Dapp Category Description
QuickSwap Finance A decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Matic Network, allowing users to trade tokens with low fees and fast transactions.
Aavegotchi Gaming A collectible virtual pet game where players can earn rewards and trade their Aavegotchi characters.
Mintable NFTs A marketplace for creating, buying, and selling digital collectibles, powered by the Matic Network.
Polycat Finance Finance A yield farming platform where users can stake and earn rewards in the form of CAT tokens.

These are just a few examples of the many Dapps that are being built on the Matic Network. By exploring this growing ecosystem, you can discover new and innovative ways to engage with blockchain technology and potentially even earn rewards.

To get started, simply add the Matic Network to your MetaMask wallet following the steps outlined in our previous article. Once you have successfully added the network, you can start exploring and interacting with the diverse range of Matic Network Dapps.

Remember to exercise caution and do your own research when using any Dapp, as the cryptocurrency and blockchain space can be complex and unpredictable. However, by keeping an open mind and staying informed, you can make the most of the exciting opportunities offered by the growing ecosystem of Matic Network Dapps.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Matic Network?

Matic Network is a layer 2 scaling solution that aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Why should I add Matic Network to Metamask?

By adding Matic Network to Metamask, you will be able to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) and perform transactions on the Matic Network with ease.

How do I add Matic Network to Metamask?

To add Matic Network to Metamask, you need to open Metamask and click on the network selection dropdown. Then choose “Custom RPC” and fill in the following details: Network Name: Matic Mainnet, New RPC URL:, ChainID: 137, Symbol: MATIC, Block Explorer URL: After filling in these details, click on “Save” to add Matic Network to Metamask.

Can I use Matic Network with other wallets?

Yes, Matic Network can be used with wallets other than Metamask. You just need to follow the respective wallet’s instructions to add Matic Network as a custom network.

What are the benefits of using Matic Network?

Using Matic Network offers several benefits such as faster transaction confirmations, lower transaction fees, and improved scalability of Ethereum-based applications.


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