Delete Your Metamask Account: Step-by-Step Guide

8 min read

Step-by-step guide on how to delete your Metamask account

If you have decided that you no longer want to use Metamask, deleting your account is a straightforward process. By following a few easy steps, you can ensure that your personal information and wallet data are permanently removed.

Step 1: Open the Metamask application on your device, whether it’s a computer or a mobile phone. Make sure that you are logged in to the account you wish to delete.

Step 2: Click on the profile icon or the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the Metamask interface. This will open a drop-down menu.

Step 3: In the drop-down menu, select the “Settings” option. This will redirect you to the settings page.

Step 4: Scroll down until you find the “Advanced” section. Under this section, you will see a button labeled “Reset Account”. Click on it.

Step 5: A confirmation window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete your account. Read the warning carefully, as this action cannot be undone. If you are sure, click on the “Reset Account” button.

Step 6: Metamask will ask you to enter your Secret Recovery Phrase to confirm the deletion. This is a security measure to ensure that only the account owner can delete the account. Enter your Secret Recovery Phrase and click on the “Confirm” button.

Step 7: Congratulations! Your Metamask account has been successfully deleted. All your personal information and wallet data have been permanently removed from the application.

Deleting Your Metamask Account

Deleting your Metamask account is a simple process that can be done directly within the application. Follow the steps below to delete your account:

Step 1: Open Metamask

Launch the Metamask application on your device.

Step 2: Go to Settings

In the Metamask interface, click on the menu icon located in the top-right corner of the screen. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.

Step 3: Scroll Down to the Bottom

In the Settings menu, scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Find “Advanced” Options

In the bottom section of the Settings page, you will find an “Advanced” heading. Click on it to expand the advanced options.

Step 5: Click on “Reset Account”

Step 5: Click on

After expanding the advanced options, you will see a “Reset Account” button. Click on this button to initiate the process of deleting your Metamask account.

Note: Please be aware that deleting your Metamask account will permanently remove all your account data and cannot be undone. Make sure to back up any important information or funds associated with the account before proceeding.

Step 6: Confirm Deletion

A confirmation popup will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of your account. Read the information carefully and if you are sure you want to proceed, click on the “Delete” button.

Deleting your Metamask account is irreversible, so it’s important to double-check your decision before proceeding.

Once you complete these steps, your Metamask account will be permanently deleted, and you will no longer have access to any associated wallets or transactions.

Step 1: Back Up Your Wallet

Before you proceed with deleting your Metamask account, it is crucial to back up your wallet to ensure the safety of your funds and assets.

To back up your wallet in Metamask, follow these steps:

1. Open the Metamask extension in your web browser and enter your account password to unlock it.
2. Click on the account icon located in the top-right corner of the Metamask window.
3. Select the “Account Details” option from the dropdown menu.
4. In the “Account Details” section, click on the “Export Private Key” button.
5. Confirm the action by entering your account password again.
6. A popup window will appear displaying your private key. Copy this key and keep it in a secure place, preferably offline.
7. With your private key safely backed up, you can proceed with deleting your Metamask account.

Note: It is essential to keep your private key secure and never share it with anyone. Losing your private key can result in permanent loss of access to your wallet and funds.

Step 2: Revoke Application Access

Step 2: Revoke Application Access

Once you have removed all your accounts and data from Metamask, the next step is to revoke the application access. This ensures that any connected applications cannot access your Metamask account without your permission.

Step 2.1: Open Metamask Settings

To revoke application access, open the Metamask extension in your browser and click on the menu icon in the top right corner of the extension window. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings”.

Step 2.2: Navigate to “Connections”

In the Settings section, you will find a tab labeled “Connections”. Click on this tab to navigate to the Connections settings page.

Step 2.3: Revoke Access to Connected Applications

In the Connections settings page, you will see a list of all the applications that currently have access to your Metamask account. To revoke access to a specific application, click on the “X” button next to its name. Confirm the revocation when prompted.

Repeat this step for all the applications listed in the Connections settings page to ensure that no application is left with access to your Metamask account.

Note: Revoking application access does not delete any data or transactions associated with those applications. It simply removes their access to your Metamask account.

Once you have revoked access to all the connected applications, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Disconnect from Networks

Step 3: Disconnect from Networks

After backing up your seed phrase and saving important data, it’s time to disconnect from networks to ensure a safe deletion of your Metamask account. Disconnecting from networks will prevent any unwanted access to your account and protect your privacy.

To disconnect from networks, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Metamask browser extension.
  2. Click on the account avatar located in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the settings tab, scroll down to the “Networks” section.
  5. Click on the network you are currently connected to.
  6. Click on the “Disconnect” button to disconnect from the network.

Repeat the steps above for all networks you are connected to. Make sure to disconnect from both Mainnet and any test networks.

Note: Disconnecting from networks will not delete your account. It is an important step to ensure that your account is no longer accessible.

Once you have successfully disconnected from all networks, you are ready to proceed to the next step: Step 4: Delete Account.

Step 4: Permanently Delete Your Account

Step 4: Permanently Delete Your Account

Deleting your Metamask account is a permanent action and cannot be undone. Before proceeding, make sure you have safely stored your wallet’s seed phrase or private key, as you will need it to recover your account in the future.

To permanently delete your Metamask account, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Metamask extension or app.
  2. Click on the menu icon (typically three lines or dots) to open the settings.
  3. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  4. In the settings menu, scroll down and click on “Advanced.”
  5. Under the “Advanced” section, click on the “Reset Account” option.
  6. A warning message will appear to remind you that resetting your account is irreversible. Read the message carefully.
  7. If you are sure you want to continue with deleting your account, click on the “Reset Account” button.
  8. You will be prompted to enter your seed phrase or private key as a confirmation of account deletion.
  9. Enter the required information and click on the “Delete Account” button.
  10. Your Metamask account will be permanently deleted, and you will no longer have access to your funds or transactions.

It is crucial to emphasize the importance of backing up your seed phrase or private key before permanently deleting your Metamask account. Without this information, you will not be able to recover your account or funds. Store the backup safely in a secure location, preferably offline, such as a hardware wallet or a piece of paper.

Now that you have successfully deleted your Metamask account, ensure you have securely removed any associated data and disable the Metamask extension or app if you no longer plan to use it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Metamask?

Metamask is a popular browser extension wallet that allows users to manage their Ethereum-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (DApps), and store private keys securely.

Why would I want to delete my Metamask account?

There could be several reasons why someone would want to delete their Metamask account. Some possible reasons include wanting to switch to a different wallet provider, concerns about privacy or security, or simply no longer needing the account.


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